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Value of New Medicine

GNG Group’s in-depth experience, across diverse therapeutic areas, including rare diseases and potential first-in-market medicines, allows us to deliver a rigorous analysis with a rapid response, even in situations with limited data, budget and timeframe.



GNG Assessments include:

  • Strategic scenario planning and evaluation.

  • Support for investment decisions.

  • Advanced statistical modeling & analytics.

  • Thorough review of numerous sales & NPV paths.

  • Pricing strategy and much more.

The GNG Group Consultant - John McNally

“We help maximize the value of new products to physicians, payers and patients.”


- John McNally

New Product Commercial Maximization

Competitive intelligence

Pricing scenarios and analysis 

Value proposition developed



Ongoing customer

and KOL feedback

Sales Force Size

& Marketing Plan

Incentive Compensation Design

Launch Strong

Incorporation of commercial and payer perspective before Phase 2 trial design is necessary for optimal success at launch.

For Example:


GNG can help you with early well-planned Phase 2 investments (e.g., inclusion of a comparator) to establish an optimal product reimbursement environment, resulting in significant incremental post-launch success.

Select GNG Maximization Components


  • Competitive intelligence: Profiles, launch dates and patent expirations of current & future competitors.

  • Strategic insights and likelihood assessments.

  • Value proposition: maximize differential advantage vs. competitors from physician, patient and payer perspective, for strong reimbursement.

  • Phase 2 trial design: ensure inclusion of comparator/patient-reported outcomes, sufficient duration & sample size to build commercial confidence, and establish go/no-go criteria.

  • Phase 3 trial design: ensure health outcome evidence aligned to support the target label.

  • Clinical, regulatory and scientific activities: ensure alignment with the target value proposition.

  • Key Opinion Leader (KOL) engagement and feedback on product strengths and weaknesses.

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