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Commercial Planning, Operations & Analytics



Founded in 2010, GNG Group provides customized solutions to optimize commercial sales & marketing resources. We specialize in:​


  • Sales operations support, including sales force size & structure, territory alignment & optimization, targeting, and incentive compensation.

  • Promotion impact assessment.

  • Forecasting and new product planning.


Our repeat business and growth attests to the value that healthcare companies place in our innovative, forward-thinking, customer-focused, and cost-effective solutions. Contact us today to see how GNG Group can help fast-track your organization’s success.

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Learn more About Us

GNG Group Business Areas

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The GNG Group Consultant - John McNally
The GNG Group CEO - Greg Pisch
Maureen Tarquini, Senior Consultant
The GNG Group Logo
The GNG Group Analyst - Christin Brown
Neel Rallapalli, Analyst
Ann Daisey, Analyst
Drew Mirko, Analyst
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Measured the impact of over $1.5 billion dollars’ worth of Direct Marketing Investment.


Supported over 50 new product launches.


Designed over 150,000 retail and hospital sales territories.


Successfully led sales force optimization projects with 30+ companies in 20+ countries.


Forecasted brands generating over $50 billion in revenue.


Designed incentive compensation plans for over 40,000 sales representatives.


Analyzed over 400 unique healthcare-related data sets.

Creative thinking, a collaborative approach and a passion for practical solutions, underscores all our work.

In addition to our core business areas outlined above, since 2010, we've helped clients by offering cost-effective Ad-Hoc Support Service, Decision Support Tools, Software Systems, and Data Management.

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